Project NET (nowhere else to turn)
We are helping neighborhood families with home repairs. In an effort to show the love of Christ, share the Gospel, and our resources.
#1) how does this project show Christ's call to serve?
Living Out Christs Love: We are not the traditional congregation... no church and no walls. Our roots are missional. We believe we are called to reach out with a helping hand to those who feel like they have no where else to turn. In 2009, Concord Church spent Thanksgiving in Pearlington, MS through PDR, ripping out, restoring, repairing homes devastated by two recent hurricanes. Amazing relationships flourished among a diverse group of people.
We do not need to go far to see similar devastation, discouragement and lack of resources. A family in bankrupcy is attempting to hold on to their home but does not have the resources to make needed repairs to the roof, porch, and plumbing. Today calls for fresh ideas, new inventive measures that take more manpower and less money power. We have formed a team of volunteers to begin to repair the roof, apply drywall and replace insulation.